Beer and BBQ festival at the farm, the results

Last night we had the BBQ dinner we’ve been talking about for a few weeks. I don’t think it could have gone any better. The weather was warm but not too hot with a light breeze and no rain. The bugs weren’t too much of a problem, at least till we turned the lights on which was just when we were cleaning up. Everyone who showed up was very nice and seemed to have a good time. We had enough room for parking, which was a concern originally and people seemed to enjoy the food and the beer.

It wouldn’t be an event without some drama and we had the right amount mixed in. Wil with Beltline Brew Tour’s showed up but running late because of an earlier event and to make matters worse his help did not show at all. Fortunately Wil had already been out multiple times to set up so his stuff was pretty much ready to go, except for his beer dispenser which had somehow lost both of the washers that make it work. Miguel grabbed me and handed me an oversized washer that needed to be modified to fit. A few minutes in the shop and we had new custom washers for Wil and the beer was flowing. Mike with Mike’s BBQ was MIA, but he had a very nice and capable lady handling the event for him. Unfortunately her help quit at the last moment so she was by herself. All this was happening as guests were arriving because what’s drama without witnesses. Needless to say there was some scrambling going on. Fortunately, Miguel had elected to stay and “see a white people party” so he jumped in and helped things flow smoothly. Mike’s lovely wife showed up and made everything perfect with the table setup. Also Alice, The FOG, and Bar-B-Jew were on hand and they helped park cars and whatever else needed doing. The end result was nobody in attendance had any idea we had issues, which is exactly what you want, to look like a duck. Calm on the surface, and paddling your butt off underneath.

Cassia and Johnathan also showed up and Cassia began to tutor me in the modern world of marketing and websites that I don’t use, which I need. She grabbed my phone and put me on Instagram and then proceeded to take fantastic pictures and upload them for me, all while sporting her Ninja Cow Farm shirt showing her support for our farm. Here are some of the pics from our event. You can click on the picture to get it full size.

SWMBO was also taking pictures. Once she downloads them I’ll post them in a later post.

Thanks to everyone for coming out. There was talk of doing another version of this at a later date. I’ll let Wil do the legwork on that one.


Brews and BBQ menu published for dinner at Ninja Cow Farm

At least I have pork in the picture this time.

The menu has been published for the dinner we have coming up on June 28th.

We will be processing one of our large Ossabaw hogs this coming Friday and delivering it to Chef Mike early next week so he can get to work on it. I have lots of friends telling me they are coming so if you are sitting on the fence, now is the time to get your tickets before they are sold out. There are only 50 spots available total so don’t get caught short.