Getting ready for the BBQ and Beer fest on June 28th

Old time hog scalding tank
Getting the fire going for the scalding tank

When you come on the 28th to have beer and BBQ, you’ll be having an Ossabaw hog that was born and raised here on our farm. He never had one ounce of commercial feed and has lived in the open in our woods since birth. He was born here, and died here, having never ridden in a truck, been in a cage, or had a bad day. On his last day he had a breakfast of farmers market sweet corn and never knew what happened.

This is as good of pork as we can produce and we’re excited to have Mike of Mike’s BBQ try his hand at our pork.

Hog going into old time scalding tank
Ossabaw hog going into the scalding tank, 140 degrees.

If you don’t have your tickets yet, better get them soon. The 28th is coming.

I’ll be delivering this hog to Mike on Monday so he’ll have all week to do his magic with brines and rubs.

2 Replies to “Getting ready for the BBQ and Beer fest on June 28th”

  1. What is this scalding tank made out of and size please I’m trying to get one made for me here in Canada. Thank you

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