We have pastured, Organic, CHICKEN in stock!!

We’ve had requests for long enough (mainly from SWMBO) and we’ve finally been able to come through with a quality source of Organic chicken. I had to drive nearly to Virginia to pick up these birds but I think the drive is going to be worth it.

The pork freezer, temporarily housing all the chicken we just received.
The pork freezer, temporarily housing all the chicken we just received. There’s lots more in there you can’t see. The lights are still not installed in the sales room.

I’ve been talking to John at Healthy Hen Farms for some time now, learning about his practices and today I was finally able to pick up my first order. John and his two oldest girls handled the whole transaction, including the tour of his setup. I saw their entire operation from brooders, to chicken tractors, to processing floor, to storage. Everything was small operation, small farm, grass based, and as clean as it could be.

Birds out on pasture, in Salatin style chicken tractors.
Birds out on pasture, in Salatin style chicken tractors.

His birds looked great and I’m looking forward to hooking up some of our long time customers to get their reaction to this new source of protein.

Chickens on pasture in Joel Salatin style chicken tractors
Chickens on pasture in Joel Salatin style chicken tractors

John has 6 kids, all home schooled, so I feel good about supporting his farm. This also lets us focus on pigs and cows and leave the specialty chicken farming to John.

A little closer view of the birds on grass.
A little closer view of the birds on grass.

Hurry and get by before SWMBO and my kids eat all this chicken. All the pricing and details on cuts are on our new chicken page.

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