In addition to our new chicken, we also have…

Dad with the new puppy. This is post mom's blessing so that's a genuine smile

Ninja cow beef, drunken cow beef, and fresh pork arriving on Thursday. With the new chicken we have in the freezer I’m pretty sure this is the best stocking level we’ve ever had with a full range of all kinds of meat. We’ve been working hard the past few months to get some of everything in and we’ve finally achieved it!

I’m around some this weekend and hit and miss during the week (I’m delivering meat and doing other farmy stuff). Next week will be tough until Friday but then I’m here through the weekend and into the following week. The weather is beautiful and there is plenty to see with new calves, green grass and all kinds of spring farming going on. Shoot me an email to schedule a time to come by for a tour and to stock up your freezer.

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