The Tiffany Blue farm truck has been sold

Tiffany blue Chevy step side c10
The truck, as we left it for the buyer

I covered the restoration of our farm truck extensively on the website back when we did the work. We restored the truck in preparation for Cassia’s wedding and were awful proud to be a small part of a beautiful ceremony.

Once the wedding was over, we were left with a gorgeous truck, in top condition. And I didn’t have the heart to scratch it or use it for anything other than going to get ice cream. Also, when I bought the truck, my kids had to ride in the back seat of the car, something they very much detested. With the old truck and only one bench seat, that rule didn’t apply. Now the kids are old enough to ride in the front seat and the truck was just sitting in the barn wasting away. I don’t have time to go to car shows, which is about all this truck was good for anymore so I decided that I needed to sell it. A post on Craigslist and a fair price and it was gone in about 30 days. The interesting thing is that everyone who was serious about buying it was a woman. What did the like the most about it? The color! It’s not a factory color, it is the color of Cassia’s wedding. I’d never have thought to paint it that color without her influence and boy did the girls like that color on a truck. The final buyer was a lady and after about 5 minutes of looking at it, she wanted it. Here is a picture of it after we delivered it to her. It was a fun project and I’m glad we did it however life moves on. Now it’s time for the next project.

Giant cardboard baler.
Our giant cardboard baler, going into position.

Maybe I’ll paint it Tiffany blue after we’re done.

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