What do I do with Chorizo?

We’ve been carrying Chorizo for a few months now. It’s a sausage that we sell by the pound in 1″ round links. I know it’s a mainstay with the Latino community, to the point that I had Miguel test it when we got the first batch in. I always try to point it out when we have customers in. There are two reactions generally.

1. “Wow!! Chorizo! Let me have 5 pounds.”

2. “Uh, what do you do with Chorizo?”

Thanks to one of our great customers, Drew and Cat, I have at least one answer for you.

Leftover chorizo, made with farm fresh local eggs and salsa
Leftover chorizo, made with farm fresh local eggs and salsa

Drew is responsible for our food porn posts, and he’s always inventing something, or whipping up something AWESOME with our products. He’s kind enough to send me pictures both to help me show what’s possible, and to torture me with the meal I missed.

Pictured above was his breakfast recently. Chorizo left over from dinner, cooked up with scrambled eggs and home-made salsa. For people like me who eat eggs for breakfast every day, day in and day out, over, and over, and over, and over again. Changing up eggs with some pork products is the way to go. If you don’t have any idea what else to do with chorizo, at least try it with your eggs in the morning. You’ll be glad you did.

Chorizo tacos with home made salsa and fries.
Chorizo tacos with home made salsa and fries.

Here is dinner the night before. How simple is breakfast when you have all this fresh goodness left over.

Chorizo and scallops. It could have been lobster as well. Salsa roja to compliment
Chorizo and scallops. It could have been lobster as well. Salsa roja to compliment

If you have no idea what to do with chorizo, or you’ve been intimidated to try it, I think the lesson here is clear. Find our where Drew lives and show up at his house for dinner. Barring that, try some chorizo yourself. It makes everything better.

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