900 pounds of pork just showed up

We ran out of bacon right after Christmas! I know that hurt the feelings of a number of you however as of yesterday we have some porky goodness to salve your wounds.

Table loaded with boxes
Pork and chicken. The table is groaning.

I took 3 hogs to the processor back in December and yesterday morning they were finally ready. I wasn’t quite prepared for how much the hogs weighed, over 900 pounds for the three of them! We got back 275 pounds of sausage!

With that much product at once, we were able to get a few non-standard items to meet the requests of some of you guys.

Hot breakfast sausage

Most people are happy with the sage sausage we normally carry but a few folks (me included) like hot sausage. We have 25 pounds of it in the freezer for you.

Boneless pork loin
Boneless pork loin

We’ve had a few requests for a whole pork loin. I got one this trip so whoever is the first to grab it gets the prize. We’ll see how this one moves. If there is enough demand we might start bringing these in for normal stock.

Boxes of pork on table
Pile O’ Pork

All this porky goodness has been wedged into the freezers so make plans to swing by and stock up. Of course we have plenty of chicken, beef, wine, soap, honey, etc as well.

Just head over to our booking application to book a visit.

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